Yesterday, I purchased carpet tape and wrapped it around the legs of the crib. I don't know if this will work, but it's something Google searching brought up. So we'll didn't work last night. Observe our beautiful behemoth of an air mattress in the is terrific.
While putting the carpet tape on the bed I was excited because I thought I saw a BB's rear end sticking out of the corner of the baseboard. My tweezers in one hand, flashlight in the other, I went to grab it, but at the last minute I decided tweezers were too short (I didn't want the nasty thing on my hand) so I switched to a flathead screwdriver. Bad idea. I gouged the little guy in the side his, little legs were wiggling and then suddenly he scrambled into the baseboard. Blast. My one chance.
We went to bed. At 4am the raccoon who has been living in the furnace room for at least 2 months woke us. We thought he had been long gone, we've left the light on in there to deter his rascally ways, but apparently the extreme cold weather of last night brought him indoors. DH attempted to scare him away by rattling the door. ..and we attempted to talk a little above a whisper to get him to leave...but 4am is too close to 5am, which is the time DS has been thinking he needs to wake up and grace us with his protests, so we were against rowdily terrorizing him with an all out yelling session or punting him like a monkey..instead we listened to him tear apart another box before scurrying away when the furnace came on for the first time, around 4:30am.
This room used to be as neat as a furnace room can be, until the raccoon started tearing out the insulation.
Our landlord did mention that the furnace guys would be here next week to seal up the exit vent. Can't come soon enough. The raccoon nuisance does put to mind that we may have fleas...or lice or any number of rodent-carried diseases...not bed bugs.
Today, I counted 12 drawers of clean clothes in our bedroom alone that will need to run through the dryer...this is not including coats, blankets in storage, bedding, and our DS's blankies, quilts, new clothes, stroller lining, etc. and of course, our regular laundry. At 60 minutes each cycle, our dryer should be done running by next Thursday.
I had some other "innovative" suggestions...including:
- placing items in the oven on a "low heat" setting
- wiping down the crib with ethanol
Well intentioned, but we will NOT be doing...
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